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Physical Education

In addition to pupils taking Games and Physical Education throughout the school, the department also offers GCSE Physical Education to Years 10 and 11, which enables pupils to continue to pursue their sporting endeavours whilst gaining a theoretical insight into performance, the human body and sporting issues.


Pupils will follow the AQA GCSE (9-1) specification.

What is GCSE physical education all about?

PE will offer you the opportunity to develop your skills in a wide range of sports and activities and help you improve your own performance. Topics include

  • anatomy and physiology
  • movement analysis
  • physical training
  • sports psychology
  • socio-cultural influences and health
  • fitness and well-being
Will I enjoy this course?

The course is involves participating in a range of practical activities as well as developing the knowledge to improve your own and others ability.  For pupils who like to participate in sport, follow current affairs in sport and have an interest in the science of sport this will be a very enjoyable course.

How does it follow on from what I have learned before?

You will have already been taught a variety of different activities in your games lessons.   This course will help you to build upon these basic skills. You will develop the analytical skills necessary to look at and improve your own performance. Some theoretical topics are closely linked to the GCSE biology course.

What about exams?

There are two exams, each 1 hour 15 mins.  Paper 1 includes anatomy and physiology. Paper 2 includes sports psychology, socio cultural influences, health fitness and well-being and use of data.  Each paper is worth 30% of the total GCSE.

Is there any coursework (NEA)?

Throughout the course you will be learning and developing new skills and techniques through a range of different practical activities.  Pupils are required to be assessed in three different activities in the role of player/performer only.  One of these assessments must be in a team activity, one assessment must be in an individual activity, with the third assessment being in either a team or individual activity. Candidates are also required to produce a written project, analysing their strengths and weaknesses in a chosen sport.  The total NEA is worth 40% of the GCSE.