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Visual art at Hill House is highly valued. It provides all pupils the opportunities to explore the world of thoughts and feelings and to express their ideas in ways, which are powerful alternatives to the written word. Pupils use their powers of observation, their capacity for problem solving and designing skills and natural talents in creating an individual and personal response. 

Pupils explore ideas and meanings through the work of artists and designers through learning about the roles and functions of Art; they can explore the impact it has had on contemporary life and that of different times and cultures. The appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts enriches all of our lives. The Art department aims to develop and maximise the creative potential of all pupils. The need for hard work and perseverance is emphasised. The expectations at Hill House are high and pupils see themselves in a workshop situation, learning and developing new crafts and skills. 

We offer a broad Art and Design based curriculum encouraging entry at any level of skill and ability.

Year 7

All pupils study Art in Year 7 and experience

  • drawing
  • painting
  • mixed media work
  • a wide variety of textile materials and processes
  • three dimensional studies

They collect ideas and record, experimentation with material, tools and different techniques to produce a unique personal response.

Year 8

All pupils continue to study Art in Year 8 and experience

  • drawing
  • painting
  • mixed media work
  • a wide variety of textile materials and processes
  • three dimensional studies.

They collect ideas and record, experimentation with material, tools and different techniques to produce a unique personal response.

Year 9

Pupils can choose to study Art in Year 9 and begin to experiment with art on a larger scale, leading on to specialise in their own personal topic in preparation for GCSE.


Pupils will follow the AQA GCSE - Art, Craft and Design course.

This course will enable candidates to meet the full range of assessment objectives through experience with a range of processes, media, materials and techniques appropriate to their aptitudes, interests and abilities.


The specification requires candidates to develop an understanding of art, craft and design through the practical activities of making and investigating and via evaluating their own work and the work of artists, crafts-persons and designers from different periods, cultures and traditions.

The course of study will be broadly based in respect of knowledge and understanding, as well as making and investigating in drawing, painting, mixed media, digital, textiles, art media, photography and three dimensional studies.

Candidates will develop knowledge and understanding of:

  • A range of art, craft and design
  • Critical and contextual studies, including the working practices of artists, crafts-persons and designers representative of a variety of genres, styles and traditions, making connections where appropriate with their own work.
  • The ways in which images and artefacts relate to their social, historical and cultural context.
  • Communicating ideas and intentions through expressive, experimental and investigative work.
  • Recording and developing work from first-hand observation and personal experience.
  • Applying the formal element of art, craft and design.
  • Documenting, modifying and evaluating activities in art, craft and design as part of the working process.
Scheme of assessment

Coursework 60%

Examination 40%