A Special Community
Hill House is a perfectly sized school; with around 700 pupils, we are still small enough for a tangible family atmosphere, where all children can be known and valued as individuals, but large enough for a very full range of activities and opportunities. A year group generally has around 60 pupils.
We take pride in our high standards and high expectations. We expect the best from our pupils and work hard to ensure that each child enjoys being part of the Hill House community.
Hill House is built on outstanding relationships, a happy, vibrant and caring school blessed with a dedicated staff and supportive parents. Teachers know the pupils well, so that we can help them to progress in as many directions as possible. We encourage excellence and give them opportunities to develop skills away from the classroom, preparing them for their future lives.

Personal Development
Central to a Hill House education is the encouragement to all pupils to participate in the wonderful opportunities available them, including sport, music, drama, debating and many other activities.
All pupils are given significant chances to develop leadership skills, and older students are encouraged to take responsibility for the young members of the community. The large numbers of leadership positions include opportunities to be prefects, house captains, monitors, team captains, activity leaders, members of the School Council and members of the Food Committee.
Large numbers of children each week represent the school in sporting fixtures, including many B team matches, and even D team matches. Others can represent the school through music and drama, as school ambassadors and tour guides. All pupils are involved in the school’s much valued charity work, and there are numerous local and overseas trips, sporting, social, musical, academic and theatrical, all of which enhance personal development.

We aim to provide holistic support to everyone in our school community, across all areas of family life, which is why our school subscribes to a digital platform called: Tooled Up Education. This gives our families and our staff privileged access to a digital library, packed full of evidence-based tips, activities, educational webinars and enlightening podcasts, on all matters relating to mental health, aspiration, learning, digital life and family life. Tooled Up is curated by one of the UK’s leading experts on parental engagement in children’s lives and learning, Dr Kathy Weston and her experienced team.
At Tooled Up, they are passionate about bridging the gap between research and real-life parenting. They understand that loving parents want to do the ‘right thing’ and that parenting is full of joys, but also many challenges. Our children have a vast educational and life journey ahead of them. It is important that they are ‘Tooled Up;’ equipped psychologically with the resilience required to reach their destinations safely and successfully.

The House System
The House system is central to the life of the school.
In the Junior School, pupils are members of the houses but year groups are arranged on the basis of classes.
The senior school’s forms are organised into the four Houses; Field, Master, New and School. Each House is led by an experienced Housemaster or Housemistress, assisted by a dedicated team of tutors, who ensure that every pupil is cared for and valued.
Inter-House rivalry is strong, with many opportunities for competition including the annual House Music, House Debating, House Relay and numerous House sporting events.