L6 students investigate the science of Fish & Chips

How do you make Fish & Chips better for the environment – but just as tasty!?
Over the past few weeks, our Lower Sixth Chemistry students have been trying to answer that question as part of the Royal Society of Chemistry Schools’ Analyst Competition 2022.
The teams have analysed local flour, potatoes, and vinegar using a range of practical experiments encompassing chromatography, titration, gravimetry and colorimetry, to research the qualities associated with truly excellent fish and chips.
The competition is run by the Analytical Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry and if successful, the Hill House team could progress into the Regional Heat.
Dr Boynton, Chemistry teacher at Hill House School, said, “the school has been very fortunate to be chosen to take part in this competition and the students hard-work and enthusiasm has been wonderful to see!”
Teams include: Mitchell Bennett, Sienna Lightfoot, Ishita Singh, Elizabeth Bedford, Helen Chen, Narin Cowell, Farhan Khan, Ahmad Miraj, Yuven Rajasundaram, Sanjeev Signh.